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Experience & Qualifications

Sue Blake has over 20 years experience working with young children with a variety of diagnoses and needs and has a wealth of knowledge to help your child reach their potential as well as being a supportive and encouraging therapist. Sue is the sole provider of occupational therapy at Early Start Occupational Therapy.
Sue has previous experience working at a range of early intervention settings in Melbourne's eastern suburbs including a specialist autism centre, community health, private practise, and a paediatric rehabilitation centre in Utah, USA.
Sue has a Bachelor of Applied Science in Occupational Therapy from Latrobe University and is registered with AHPRA. She is also a member of OT Australia and regularly attends ongoing professional training.
Sue is certified to practise the Early Start Denver Model (ESDM) with young children with autism. This model uses evidence based practise to provide a play based relationship model that focuses on imitation, communication, social, cognitive, and motor skills, adaptive behaviour and play. Clinicians providing this type of therapy must have specific training and be certified.